Prudence Wants a Pet

Prudence Wants a Pet

By: Cathleen Daly

I have read lots of, for lack of a better term, “I want a pet books” this summer while participating in #bookaday.

It all started with ” When Life Give you OJ” by Erica Perl then moved to “Melvin and the Boy” by Lauren Castillo. This week I have read a few more “I want a pet” books: “Me and My Dragron” by David Biedrzycki, “Gilbert Goldfish Wants a Pet” by Kelly DePucchio, “A Pet for Petunia” by Paul Schmid, and Prudence Wants a Pet” by Cathleen Daly.  I HAVE LOVED ALL THESE BOOKS!

All these IWAP (I want a pet books) have had a super cool main character, but I think my favorite is Prudence.  She is so creative, funny, and independent.  When her parents tell her “no” when she ask for a pet, she doesn’t sulk.  Prudence goes out and gets an ordinary branch and treats it like a pet.  What happens when she loses her pet twig in the washing machine?  Does she throw a fit? Does she forget about it (it is a stick after all)? No, she puts up a LOST PET sign in the laundry room. BRILLIANT!

Prudence’s journey through ordinary items that she treats as pets captured me. It made me so happy to see a young girl content with what she had, that at times I found myself, like Prudence, thinking an worn out shoe and old tire really were “real” pets.

Lets be honest. Kids love pets.  If they have a pet-they want another, and if they don’t-they are always thinking about how they can get one.  I would recommend that you give all these IWAP books a read, but it you had to pick just one I would recommend “Prudence Wants a Pet”.

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