The Newbery Medal Books of the 1920s

I had not idea what I was getting myself into when I signed up to read the Newbery Medals books with Mr. Schu and company. I’m happy to be out of the 20s. I’m hoping that the books get a little better each decade.

My thoughts on the books of the 20s.


The highlight of the 20s was, without a doubt, filming the Shen of the Sea video with Mr. Schu at the Anderson’s Children’s Literature Breakfast


My Favorite Mr. Schu #nerdbery video.


I had a lot of fun filming my video for Smoky the Cowhorse


The 20s in pictures (I have no idea what happened to my Smoky the Cowhorse picture).

The Trumpeter of Krakow
Gay Neck: The Story of a Pigeon
Shen of the Sea
silver lands
The Dark Frigate
The Voyages of Dr. Dolittle
photo (11)

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