My New Notebook #slice2013

I haven’t done a “Slice of Life” post in a while, but nearly ever session I attended at NCTE made me feel like I should be writing a lot more. Seriously, it was like everywhere I looked Ruth Ayers was standing their looking all kind with an imaginary thought bubble circled over her head saying: Colby should be writing more. Then I had to run into Kate Messner who always ask everyone: So… what are you writing?

Here we go!

 Every Tuesday, Ruth and Stacey, host Slice of Life at their blog, Two Writing Teachers. If you want to participate, you can link up at their Slice of Life Story Post on Tuesdays or you can just head on over there to check out other people's stories. For more information on what a Slice of Life post is about, you can go here.  (I stole this paragraph from Jen Vincent's blog)

Every Tuesday, Ruth and Stacey, host Slice of Life at their blog, Two Writing Teachers. If you want to participate, you can link up at their Slice of Life Story Post on Tuesdays or you can just head on over there to check out other people’s stories. For more information on what a Slice of Life post is about, you can go here.
(I stole this paragraph from Jen Vincent’s blog)

When I arrived at the Boston airport after a busy weekend at NCTE, I went straight to the gift shop to look at notebooks. They had tons of notebooks. It made me think that the airport is a place filled with writers. It is a good feeling. Author, Louise Borden shared with me a what she knew about the notebooks they had, and I settled on a slick green one.

My new notebook!

My new notebook!

With my notebook in hand I tried to find a quiet place to sit down and get some writing done. Then, I noticed that the football game was on television at the airport sports bar. I sat down to watch the game, but found that I was much more interested in getting some writing done.

I had a great time filling a handful of pages in my new notebook. My head was filled with ideas from the conference, and getting them down on paper felt both wonderful and scary.

I’m really looking forward to writing every day. Yup. I am going to write in my notebook: Every. Single. Day.

OMG! Two days in a row.

OMG! Two days in a row.

32 thoughts on “My New Notebook #slice2013

  1. I just started a gratitude notebook and the fact that I am only expected to write one to five sentences has been a very liberating feeling. It’s a positive way to start my day and I find myself writing more in my OTHER notebook because of it. Good luck writing Every. Single. Day.


  2. It was great to meet you, Colby. I hope you’ll join the Slice of Life challenge in March. If you’re writing every day from now on, you’ll be so ready! Happy Thanksgiving!


  3. Two days in a row! Soon you’ll have written 30 days in a row and ready for the March challenge. I love this Two Writing Teachers community. So many great minds sharing little snippets of their lives. Glad you’re back to writing (and sharing)


  4. Colby, me too! I had the same experience at NCTE…feeling as if I REALLY need to be writing more. And I am trying. As an editor, I’m constantly focused on other people’s writing; I need to get back into the habit of writing my own words down. A great quote I heard in one of the sessions: “Writing is how you learn about yourself.” I think a child actually said this, and it is so true. The other thing I’ve started is “reading with a pencil” even when I’m reading for pleasure, so I can capture the gems, learn from them, use them as models in my writing. Notebooks are good for that too! Happy Thanksgiving.


  5. There is something to be said about simmering in a notebook for a while with your thoughts, putting pen to paper. So much goes through your head and you just wish your pen could keep up the frantic pace of your thoughts. Sometimes. Other times that notebook mocks when the thoughts have run dry. Here’s to more simmering. 🙂


  6. You are just way too popular. I came over to give you that push to write Slices because you said you’ve been gone for a while, and I see all these comments! How’s that for support! Get going. Write now!


  7. What I love most about this post is that you actually preferred WRITING over FOOTBALL! 😀 Good luck with it, Colby, and do your best not to criticize yourself in the process 😀 Yay!


  8. Colby-
    Glad to hear you got inspired by Ruth, got your notebook picked out with help from Louise and got started “write” away! ;). It was great to finally meet you. You’ve had such an influence on my book picks and pocket book this past year…I read Creepy Carrots and Battle Bunny in a few classrooms last Monday! The kids loved them! I thought it was interesting that a few girls wanted to know if Battle Bunny could be a girl!


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