10 Minute Review: The Mark of the Dragonfly by Jaleigh Johnson


The Mark of the Dragonfly

By: Jaleigh Johnson

Publish Date: March 25, 2014

Copy provided by the publisher (I think. I can’t really remember where I got it. I like to imagine that it magically appeared under my bed.)

Long books stress me out. I try to avoid them. Anything over 300 pages causes my blood pressure to rise. Each year I try to read a lot of books. In both 2012 and 2013 I read over 1000 books. When reading 1000 books, long books make things challenging. This year I set my goal at 500. One reason is that it would allow me to spend more time reading longer books.

When I picked up Jaleigh Johnson’s The Mark of the Dragonfly I felt a little nervous. 388 pages is a big commitment.

I loved every single page of The Mark of the Dragonfly. It is beautifully written. The characters are unforgettable. The plot is mesmerizing. In short, this book is going to rock the socks off of middle grade readers.

Usually when I’m reading a longer book, I try to rush through it. I get antsy as days pass with me in the same book. Not this time. I never felt like I needed to rush through. For the  first time in a while, I truly didn’t want the book to end. I took my time reading the final 50 pages and I’m glad I did.

If you’re looking to find out more about what The Mark of the Dragonfly is about, you’re not going to find it here. My 10 minutes is up.

Buy the book-read the book-share the book. You won’t regret it.

5 thoughts on “10 Minute Review: The Mark of the Dragonfly by Jaleigh Johnson

  1. This book is in my TBR pile. Also did not dive in because it was longer than I could handle at the moment, but based upon your review, will need to move it up the stack to the “read soon” pile. Thanks for your review!


  2. Wow, that’s quite the recommendation! Now I’m going to be constantly checking under MY bed, hoping I get a chance to read it, too.

    Then again, maybe I’d better leave that kind of luck to you and get it through more conventional means. 😉


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