I Love Reading

Today, was the first day of school and it was awesome! The first time I talk about reading, I tend to get a little excited.  Today was no diferent.

My students from last year asked me to tape the lesson so they could see it again this year. I figured I’d share it with everyone.

11 thoughts on “I Love Reading

  1. What passion! What excitement! What an awesome start to the year! I think your students are looking forward to sharing a few — and then some — good books this year! Thanks for sharing!


  2. Colby, this is AWESOME! I love it. Love it, love it, love it. I have a student teacher and I have been talking to her about how we have to express our excitement about books and reading. I’ve declared this year the year of silly for me. We kicked off our year reading Pete the Cat – Rocking his School Shoes and jamming out with kids. They thought we were crazy but a few got into the spirit and were starting to sing and dance with us. I can’t wait to show this to her tomorrow and I’m so taking it in to show my students that I’m not the only teacher out there who’s cuckoo for reading. 🙂 Again, I just love it. Thanks for sharing!


  3. Mr. Sharp, I LOVE YOU!!! That was great. I guarantee you will inspire your class to love reading too. Bravo! -from a Librarian who also LOVES READING!!


  4. Very fun. I LOVE getting excited about reading and books! Stories really are the best; they make the best friends, the best vacations, the best adventures, and the best way to expand your mind (and open your mind too!). I was happy to find your blog. I’ll be back!


  5. I love this video! Thank you for sharing! I have been randomly turning to my Arlington, VA 4th graders and reminding them, just like you, just how much I! Love! To! Read! I told them all about your video and how much I admired your enthusiasm. I have had a hard year this year (only just finished week 3). I needed some serious inspiration. Thank you!


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