#NerdLution Round 1


Part Nerdy Book Club – party resolution, #Nerdlution was born through a Twitter conversation Thanksgiving evening. I think of a Nerdlution as something important to you that you’d like to develop into a habit. My Nerdlution is to write more. Writing is something that is important to me, but it isn’t a habit. I’m not intentional about it.

I am going to write every day for 50 days. In 50 days this Nerdlution round will be over and we’ll start a new one. Maybe I’ll try and write another 50 days, or maybe writing will be a habit, and I’ll move on to a different Nerdlution or revise my writing goal. We shall see.

Community is something that makes us stronger. I’ve seen it with Nerdy Book Club, The #sharpschu Twitter book club, #bookaday, #titletalk, and, of course, my own classroom. We’d love for you to join our little community. Please link the blog post you have written about your #Nerdlution in the comments below. If you don’t have a blog, or don’t want to write a post, just let us know your #Nerdlution by leaving it in the comments.

This round of Nerdlutions will run from December 2 though January 20.

195 thoughts on “#NerdLution Round 1

  1. It takes 21 days to form a habit so writing for 50 days should nail it. I think I’ll write too as I would love to be intentional about writing. Thanks for the challenge!


  2. I need to catch up on great picture books. I’ll throw in planks everyday. Now, how to follow through? Write something short about each book while planking? No, no that won’t do! I know! I’ll get to the library and check out books and then use that blog thing I started and don’t know what to do with! Not sure how to attach my blog to this though. Hmmm a challenge! Love it!


  3. Good morning, Colby. I’m in for 220 leg lifts, 10 minutes of arm weights and two miles of walking. My health has taken a backseat due to my reading and blogging life. This is a fantastic idea.


  4. So much fun! I keep thinking of it as a Nerd-Revolution since I’ve always been bad at resolutions – but maybe a short-term resolution will do the trick. I keep saying that I’m working on revisions of my novel but I definitely don’t look at it every day. I’m going to revise every day so I can be ready to query in January. I’ve also been all about the yoga lately so I’m going to do yoga everyday. I’ve been working on being able to do a headstand without needing the wall behind me so I don’t tip over so I’m going to do that, too. Huzzah!


  5. I don’t have a blog, so I will commit here to 20 minutes of exercise every day. I will also read something from my nonfiction section every day! (I’d much rather read fiction, so this is much needed.)


  6. My blog is under construction at the moment, but I’ll be tweeting about my #nerdlution at @AnnieWhitlock. Mine is as simple as Colby’s–to write every day for 50 days. This may even involve repurposing my blog, formerly known as “A Year of Writing.” After all, shouldn’t it be called “Many Years of Writing?”


  7. My #nerdlution is to read at least one picture book aloud every day to my getting-bigger-too-fast kids. We’ve switched over to all chapter books lately, and I want to get back to our picture book habit again! (Added fun: Will make sure each of the Nerdy Award Finalists has been read and enjoyed in our house!)


  8. So love the idea! My #nerdlution: start a journal, write one thing to celebrate each day; yoga 2x/week at least; walk at least 20 min/day; practice random acts of kindness.


  9. I can’t post a blog about it yet ’cause I refuse to officially launch ’til I have certain things under control, but as Katherine said—I don’t need a blog to join! 😀

    I have SO many habits I need to create and pages of lists to prove it, but I’ll list a few basics here:

    1 – After about 40 years of being a serious night owl, I need to fall in love with waking UP in the wee hours rather than going to bed then.

    2 – I need to get social media REALLY whittled down to something manageable.

    3 – I need to launch my blog and get back to serious writing.

    And trust me, these are only a few of the biggies! lol Good luck, everyone! I’ve never been good any kind of resolution, so though this is always my intent (and has been for YEARS) and I’ve listed it here—I know myself all too well *sigh*


  10. My nerdlution is to write on my dusty blog everyday, at least one sentence…perhaps more. Just to get it up and habitual. I’ll link it as soon as I find it. This is a wonderful idea.


  11. Logging 20 + running miles per week in the next seven weeks. Skip sodas (I’ve done it before, but this is HUGE. I am a soda freak) for sparkling water. Skip lattes (that on the way to school stop) for black coffee. Work on core and back in next seven weeks.

    Oh yeah. . .there is that book project too.


  12. The spontaneity of #nerdlution has me throwing my hat in the ring too. I’m going to read every day for work and just for me, because those are not always the same. I’ll also spend as much time as I can every day on the stationery bike, because it is possible to cycle through the pain to discomfort to ease of motion.

    If we do this again, I’ll add writing my own material instead of only reviews, essays and leading online book chats.


  13. My #nerdlution is to actually start writing the book I have always wanted to. I could start with a blog so that I would have a link to post. Maybe I will even come up with an idea for an #NCTE session and submit it on time. 😉 I guess all mine revolve around taking time to write. Very excited for this.


  14. I don’t have a blog, but I want to join in, so here goes…

    I am committing to 20 minutes of exercise every day. I think it will help my mindset and it will help me lose the weight I was told to lose 6 months ago.

    I am also committed to reading 30 minutes per day. I also need to diversify my reading and branch out to what might interest my students. There are also so many professional development books I want to read, and quite honestly they’re piling up.

    I’m going to do it! Any support or advice you all want to give would be awesome!


  15. I’m so excited to find my focus once again. I want to blog but, haven’t figured it out yet, so I will write for 30 minutes, and walk for 30. Everyday. The reading part is not a challenge. 🙂 thank you wonderful work of Twitter for being inspiring.


  16. #Nerdlution sounds great! I’m in. I plan to read every day for 30 uninterrupted minutes, walk 2 miles a day, and write a handwritten note of gratitude to someone every day. Best wishes to everyone starting this positive plan of action!


  17. So, I am somehow continuing 100 days of push-ups per day – even though I am now more sore than I have been in months. At the same time, I am so inspired by this group, this little-big idea, and will go for it with everyone in mind. (Plus, I feel awesome. Sore, but awesome).


  18. I will write 50 letters of appreciation to fifty people who have impacted my life. Some I will mail, some I will deliver and some I will keep myself for they have gone before me. What a great idea this is. #nerdLution


  19. After PiBoIdMo, I realized I need to start writing in the morning before work instead of in the wee hours of the night. I didn’t think I’d start December 2nd, but there’s really no reason to wait. Thanks for the challenge! My Nerdlution is to write (draft, dummy, revise, query, pitch) in the morning every day. Now it’s out there–hold me to it!


  20. I tried, for as long as I could to resist, but I can’t stand that everyone else is going to have fun and form great habits, and I’m not. I want to:
    1) write poetry for 15 minutes a day
    2) keep a food diary of what I eat
    3) read Scripture for 15 minutes every day


  21. What a great idea, was feeling exactly the same way. No blog, but here’s mine: 1. to let 50 people (one a day) know how much their lives mean to mine and 2. (gulp) to tweet once a day for 50 days and not let it scare me.


  22. This is so inspirational, to read the comments and see already the community that’s forming. I did a mile a day fitness streak inOct., and in November I posted an inspiration for #NaNoWriMo almost every day on my blog. Committing myself to writing and sharing in that way was very reflective for me. For my #nerdlution, I will continue to write daily and post on the blog once a week, and continue to strive for my daily fitness, since I’ve managed to maintain that since October. It gets tougher with travels and weather. And the continuing to carry through without flagging part… This is so great!! Thank you all!


  23. My #nerdlution is to daily read and review on goodreads 1 picture book (fiction or nonfiction). Many times I concentrate on reading MG novels to promote to my students that I neglect the younger ones. Would like to be more deliberate with picture books and not read them in spurts.


  24. #nerdlution Thank you for your spirit. I am reading 60 min of children’s lit each day and blogging about it. First post it up at readwriteandplay.blogspot.com
    My Love Affair with Kevin Henkes Grows (a review of Billy Miller, whole class conversation, and more)


  25. I tell ya, this is great stuff 🙂 And I’m assuming that NERDLUTION is different than something as fleeting as a NEW YEAR’S RESOLUTION in that it can be started ANY day of the year 😀


  26. I’ve been struggling with writing alllllll night long. And so I went to Twitter as a master distraction…which I haven’t been on since Thanksgiving and found #nerdlution. It was like destiny or something. Thanks for kicking my sorry a$$, Colby & Chris. 50 days of writing. Here goes!


  27. I haven’t written a blog post about it yet, but I am definitely joining the #nerdlution movement. I am planning to walk or workout every day (and reach my step count goal with my fitbit). I am also going to write every day because I need to be more intentional about my writing as well.


  28. A day late, but I’m so in!
    My goals:
    1. Work out at least 20 minutes a day, every day
    2. Read daily. I need to get reading more YA fiction. I’ve been working so hard on AP Lit planning the last few years that I haven’t read much else. It’s time.


  29. I found out about this late last night (well, late for me), but promptly decided I had to join in. My goal? Writing for 30 minutes each day. It can be in increments or in one fell swoop, just so long as I get that half hour in.

    I only squeaked in 20 minutes last night, but like I said, I found out about it late, so I’m calling it good.


  30. I will eventually get around to blogging about it … maybe? But I am going to write for 50 days (even if some of it is not published). Plus, I’m combining this with a “Get 10,000 steps on a pedometer each day” goal. Started yesterday, and I’m doing okay so far.


  31. Late to share, but I’ve been living it the last 2 days… Going to try to leave school by 5:30 every night. Been staying way too late, even after my productivity sinks. Last night I was in my car at 5:28!

    Thrilled to know there will be a round 2, as well! Already planning that one, but it requires a bit of intentional groundwork… So I can think about it now, then jump all over it on Jan. 21!


  32. I used to read a book to my daughter, who is now 8 yrs of age, each night – actually, at least 3 books before bed time! But for some reason it stopped. I got busier with school ‘stuff’ and her dad just got too tired to read to her. AND she’s learnt how to read independently. So 2 hours ago, we did read 3 chapters of “The 13-Storey Tree House” by Andy Griffiths and Terry Denton. Mind you she’s read this before. The beautiful thing is that she was happy and content to read it with me again😄. I promised her that we will read a book together for the next 50 days. My daughter is very excited about this… ‘already planned books we’re going to read together👏. Thank you #nerdlution for this great idea!


  33. I started writing at least 15 minutes a day ( #WFMAD ) with Laurie Halse Anderson on September 1, and kept it up for 55 days. So I’m starting again with the #nerdlution crowd. Those YA novels won’t write themselves!


  34. First and foremost thank you for providing the community for Nerdultion. Nothing is more positively powerful than these connections. We are in this business for the connections weather it is through writing, reading, sharing teaching, learning, following or leading. We all understand power of words and the deep and remarkable ways they shape lives.

    I love that so many of our commitments are similar. The challenges are individual and quite personal yet we all see the power in our commitment to: the process of writing, the practice of reading and the respect of our bodies.

    That said, my nerdlutions are not so original. But I take great comfort that my goals are so similar to so many of the people I admire personally and professionally.

    I want to have writing be a part of everyday for me and my children

    I want to read 1 poem aloud everyday ( audience optional)

    I want to walk/run with true commitment.

    Thank you


  35. I’m in on the Nerdlution! Liesl will eat plant-based, whole foods through January 20, excluding Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, New Year’s Eve, and New Year’s day, in which I generally eat several pounds of cheese.


  36. Thank you to Colby Sharp and Chris Lehman for pushing me out of my comfort zone to write a blog in one day. I usually ponder a post over several days but a nerdlution is to write more. Read on to see my thoughts. Happy nerdlutions for the 2014 New Year. New Post: Resolute to Create Spaces to Grow As a Learner http://buff.ly/1fQYNBN


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