Snappsy Trifecta

I love waking up on mornings that I get to celebrate a book with Mr. Schu and Nerdy Book Club. Today’s trifecta is extra special. Julie Falatko is a book champion. She brings so much joy to the world of children’s literature. I’m super excited to be able to celebrate her debut as an author with a little interview today.

Before you read my interview with Julie, be sure to check out Mr. Schu’s interview with Snappsy illustrator Tim Miller.

Julie has written a lot of great things for Nerdy, and she is back today with another lovely post.

nerdy monster

Now it is my turn! A big thank you to Julie Falatko for answering my questions.

5,4,3,2,1 Interview

  1. Can you tell us a little bit about Snappsy The Alligator Did Not Ask To Be In This Book?

Snappsy the Alligator (Did Not Ask to Be in This Book!) is about an alligator who is having an ordinary day until the narrator of the book starts making up lies. Is Snappsy really going to eat fuzzy bunnies and innocent chickadees? Nope. But the narrator decides a menacing main character would make the book more exciting.


  1. What is your favorite thing about being an author?

I love that I get to make up characters and places, and then other people get to read about them. It makes me feel like a magician. I imagine a scene, and then, like magic, readers are imagining that same scene.


  1. What’s the hardest thing about being an author?

The hardest thing is working through many drafts and versions of a story to get to the very best one. Also that my computer is 10 feet from the fridge, which means I wander around snacking a lot when I’m trying to write.


  1. If you could spend one day inside the world of any book which book would you pick?

I’d like to spend a day in Who Needs Donuts by Mark Alan Stamaty, because there would be so many interesting things to look at, plus lots of donuts in case I got hungry.


  1. What advice do you have for the young writers in my classroom?

I want you to know that grownup writers are just like you: our writing is sometimes a struggle, and a lot of what we write is terrible. I know rewriting is a pain, but it’s also great, because it’s a chance to make your story amazing. Listen: you are writers. As soon as you put words on a page, you are a writer. Your story is absolutely worth telling, and it’s up to you to tell it. 


2 thoughts on “Snappsy Trifecta

  1. What a fun interview. I’ve ordered a copy of Snappsy and I absolutely can’t wait to get it. I love the illustrations and from what I’ve seen, he’s an adorable character.


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